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5 Tips for Dealing with PCOS Naturally

PCOS is a common diagnosis for women of reproductive age, and yet there is so much that isn’t widely known about the symptoms, the root causes, and the treatment options. Today, we’re diving into the details, including a few tips for working to improve your PCOS symptoms naturally. And yes - seed cycling may help, by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive! 

What is PCOS?

PCOS is also known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. While its name suggests that to be diagnosed with PCOS, you must have multiple ovarian cysts, that’s simply not the case for many women. Think of PCOS as more of an overarching term that encompasses a set of symptoms that cause hormone imbalances.

PCOS is also the leading cause of infertility in women of reproductive age, affecting around 1-in-10 women in the US. Having PCOS also puts you at greater risk for developing other chronic conditions, like diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease. This is part of what makes finding the root cause so important! If you use birth control or another treatment option as a bandaid, you’re more likely to experience some of these other complications down the road. 

Symptoms of PCOS

While ovarian cysts can be an indicator of PCOS, they are not the only one! And thankfully, lots of these other symptoms are easier to detect than cysts, which usually require an ultrasound to diagnose.

  • Acne
  • Irregular periods or no period at all
  • Heavy periods
  • Excess body hair
  • Infertility
  • Weight gain
  • Extreme PMS symptoms 
  • Elevated blood sugar or insulin 
  • Increased sugar cravings

Though these are all symptoms, PCOS is often diagnosed by doctors using specific diagnostic criteria. Typically, you must have two out of the three of the following to be diagnosed with PCOS:

  • Multiple ovarian cysts
  • Irregular periods, or no period at all
  • High testosterone, or other signs of elevated androgens 

What are some of the root causes of PCOS?

Unlike some other disorders, there is no single root cause of PCOS. Instead, there are a few likely underlying issues that tend to work together to manifest as PCOS. 

  • 1. High testosterone or other excess androgens - though women do naturally have some androgens, in PCOS these levels are much higher than normal, leading to inflammation and an excess of other hormones, like luteinizing hormones, that may cause ovarian dysfunction. 

  • 2. Insulin resistance - this is often at the root of PCOS, and you’ll see later that working to regulate blood sugar is one of the best ways to naturally address PCOS. 

  • 3. High inflammation - caused by poor diet, environmental, or lifestyle factors.

  • 4. Toxin exposure - since things like plastics, cosmetics and cleaning chemicals, and more, are all considered endocrine disruptors, they can directly impact your health and hormones. 

  • 5. Thyroid and adrenal dysfunction - though not always directly related to PCOS, issues here can exacerbate symptoms.

  • Natural treatment options for PCOS

    Thankfully, there are some natural treatment options that can either support your other medical interventions, or in some cases, replace them entirely. Like we mentioned earlier, sometimes the conventional approach to PCOS acts like a bandaid, temporarily improving the symptoms, but not addressing the root cause. It’s only when you address the underlying issues that lead to PCOS that you can see long-term relief. 

    Focus on blood sugar regulation - since insulin resistance is one of the key components of PCOS, addressing blood sugar is key. You see - insulin is the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar, so when your blood sugar is high, insulin will follow. And we’ll let women’s health doc extraordinaire, Dr. Jolene Brighten, explain how insulin is related to PCOS:

    “Insulin, the hormone that regulates your blood sugar, has a large role to play in PCOS through its ability to stimulate androgen production (think testosterone). In the ovary, insulin and lutenizing hormone work together to stimulate the production of androgrens. In addition, testosterone production is up-regulated in the adrenals by insulin.”

    The best way to balance your blood sugar? Focus on eating healthy fats and protein with any carbs you consume (no naked carbs here!), and aim to avoid excess sugar and refined carbs. 

    Eat an anti-inflammatory diet - when it comes to PCOS, eating a nourishing diet is key, since it will help you reduce your overall inflammation. Work on avoiding highly-processed foods, including excess sugar, and instead focus on eating veggies, high-quality protein, and healthy fats. You can also incorporate anti-inflammatory foods like berries, fatty fish, avocados, nuts, and green tea or matcha. Our seeds are a great addition here!

    Improve your gut health - your gut is directly tied to your body’s overall inflammation, and it’s also a major organ of detoxification (for example - excess hormones are removed via our poop!). Eat an anti-inflammatory diet with ample plant foods and focus on other healthy lifestyle factors like managing stress and getting enough sleep. 

    Focus on stress-management - this is key for supporting your adrenals and even decreasing overall inflammation. Go for a walk, get to bed early, get a massage, spend time with people you love, or anything else that you enjoy. 

    Focus on daily detox practices - focus on things like avoiding toxins as much as possible, eating a healthy diet, consider getting a water filter, managing your stress, and more.

    As always, talk to your doctor if you’re unsure of the right approach for you. This is general advice, and not intended as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

    Want us to dive into any of these treatment options in an article of its own? Let us know!